Distillerie de Labourdonnais The Duchess 9 Years Old Cane Juice Cask 7 57.9% 2010

4.5 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 45,00   - € 37,00 (hors TVA)
44,40 (TVA incluse)
Distillerie de Labourdonnais - The Duchess 9 Years Old Cane Juice Cask 7 57.9% 2010
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Distillerie Distillerie de Labourdonnais
Embouteilleur The Duchess
Mise en bouteille pour
Date de distillation 2008
Date de mise en bouteille 2019
Pays Ile Maurice
Région Mapou
Age 9
Cask Type Bourbon Barrel
Numéro de fût 7
Alcohol % 57.9%
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Stock 59

Avis professionnels

BOW (86)

The cane juice is making this rum more of a very pure rum, it doesn’t get any better than this. Cane juice in the French style rums (French-Caribbean) are called Rhum Agricole, what this basically is.
It means a rum is distilled directly from the cane juice extracted from the sugar canes and gives rums a green, grassy and “farmy touch. Tasting notes that are eminent in this Labourdonnais rum. You can taste the terroir!

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