4.7 étoiles - 2 avis professionnels
€ 619,00 (hors TVA)
742,80 (TVA incluse)

Ark 2019 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/etats-unis/napa-valley/hundred-acre-vineyard/'>Hundred Acre Vineyard</a>

hors TVA € 1.529,00
TVA incluse € 1.834,80
Volume Magnum
buy with
Type Rouge
Marque Hundred Acre Vineyard
Millésime 2019
Pays États Unis
Région Napa Valley
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable 2025-2045
Stock 9
État En 1er Caisse en bois originale
Étiquette Parfait

Avis professionnels

Robert Parker (99)

The 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon Ark Vineyard features beguiling scents of Montreal-style smoked meat backed by waves of black cherries and cassis. It's full-bodied, rich, plush and expansive on the palate, captivating for its mix of savory and fruity flavors. Offering tons of fun in the glass, this finishes long and tannic but also smoothly silky. It's a complete wine by any measure.

BOW (9)

Ajouté aux favoris.