Mount Gay Coffey Still Tribute to Blues 58% NV

5.0 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 198,35 (hors TVA)
238,02 (TVA incluse)
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Distillerie Mount Gay
Embouteilleur OB
Serie Master Blender Collection: Tribute to Blues
Mise en bouteille pour
Date de distillation Not Specified
Date de mise en bouteille 2024
Pays Barbade
Région Bridgetown
Cask Type Refill bourbon Casks
Numéro de fût
Alcohol percentage
État Parfait
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Stock 3

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BOW (89)

Mount Gay's first Coffey Still release since its reactivation in 2019 honors the late distiller Reynold 'Blues' Hinds, who had a 50-year career at Mount Gay. The 7th limited edition in the Master Blender Collection, The Coffey Still Expression, is a tribute to Blues, celebrating his legacy. This edition showcases how rum was made in the 19th century with a rare 100% copper Coffey Still, one of only three in use globally.

Blues' extensive knowledge allowed for the restoration and reactivation of the historic still, now named "Blue's Still" at Mount Gay. His work has significantly influenced the craft of Mount Gay rum. This release uses 100% Barbados molasses and has aged four years in heavily toasted ex-Bourbon barrels, yielding a rich, floral, and rounded rum with notes of oak, honey, pear, vanilla, nutmeg, and light leather, and a palate of grapefruit, oak, honey, cinnamon, and spice.

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