Cabernet Sauvignon Few And Far Between 2018 Hundred Acre Vineyard

4.9 étoiles - 2 avis professionnels
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Type Rouge
Marque Hundred Acre Vineyard
Millésime 2018
Pays États Unis
Région Napa Valley
Raisin Cabernet Sauvignon
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
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Avis professionnels

Robert Parker (98)

The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Few and Far Between, from a small (less than five acres in size) vineyard just upslope from the Eisele Vineyard, delivers more cherries and redder fruit than either Kayli Morgan or Ark, and the oak is less obvious on the nose. There's still plenty of that cigar box character on the full-bodied palate, where the wine is luscious, demonstrative and creamy-velvety in texture, with a long finish. It's the only one of proprietor Jayson Woodbridge's single vineyards to include anything besides Cabernet Sauvignon, in this case, 8-10% Cabernet Franc.

Jeb Dunnuck (100)

The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Few And Far Between Vineyard is pure magic and tops out my scale. From a site near Eisele Vineyard, it has a complex bouquet of red, blue, and black fruits as well as new leather, freshly sharpened pencils, bouquet garni, and assorted spices. Deep, full-bodied, ripe, and sexy, it shows the structured, pure, precise style of the 2018 vintage while bringing classic Hundred Acre depth, richness, and length. Drink this sensational beauty over the coming 20-25 years.

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