Maresh Vineyard Liminal Pinot Noir 2022 Kelley Fox Wines

4.2 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 69,95 (hors TVA)
83,94 (TVA incluse)
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Type Rouge
Marque Kelley Fox Wines
Millésime 2022
Pays États Unis
Région Oregon
Raisin Pinot Noir
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable -2032
Stock 24

Avis professionnels

Vinous (92)

A mix of blackberries, pine, dusty dried roses and exotic spice wafts up from the 2022 Pinot Noir Maresh Vineyard Liminal. This is deeply textural with silken waves of tart wild berries, taking on a sour tinge toward the close. It renders the palate completely refreshed, leaving a hint of mint and tart wild berries.

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