Park Avenue Estate Vineyard 2022 Aubert

4.5 étoiles - 2 avis professionnels
€ 195,00 (hors TVA)
234,00 (TVA incluse)

Park Avenue Estate Vineyard 2022 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/etats-unis/sonoma/aubert/'>Aubert</a>

hors TVA € 485,00
TVA incluse € 582,00
Volume Magnum
buy with
Type Blanc
Marque Aubert
Millésime 2022
Pays États Unis
Région Sonoma
Raisin Chardonnay
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable -2035
Stock 3

Avis professionnels

Robert Parker (96)

From a densely planted (2,044 vines per acre with spacing of 3.5 feet x six feet) property adjacent to the Lauren site, Aubert's 2022 Chardonnay Park Avenue offers up gentle notes of toasted hazelnut, brioche and almond, plus lime, pear and melon. It's full-bodied, with waves of upfront fruit and generous on the mid-palate, then crisp and focused on the lingering finish.

Vinous (94)

The 2022 Chardonnay Park Avenue is laced with hints of orange confit, passion fruit and jasmine. This is one of the more exotic Chardonnays in the range, especially aromatically. The 2022 is a bit less generous on the palate, but that should come with time.

Ajouté aux favoris.