Barbaresco Rombone Dieci Anni 2010 Nada Fiorenzo

4.5 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 87,95 (hors TVA)
105,54 (TVA incluse)
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(max. 32)
Type Rouge
Marque Nada Fiorenzo
Millésime 2010
Pays Italie
Région Piémont
Raisin Nebbiolo
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable -2036
Stock 32

Avis professionnels

Vinous (95)

Plums, cloves, menthol and a host of dark, balsamic-infused aromas and flavors wrap around the palate as the 2010 Barbaresco Rombone opens up in the glass. With a little time, the wine blossoms beautifully, showing remarkable depth and richness. Here the tannins are barely noticeable, as the fruit virtually buries the wine's structural components. The Rombone spent one year in French oak barrels (33% new) followed by a second year in cask.

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