Lindores Abbey Casks of Lindores 49.4% NV

4.5 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 49,55 (hors TVA)
59,46 (TVA incluse)
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Distillerie The Lindores Distilling Co. Ltd.
Embouteilleur OB
Serie The Exclusive Cask
Mise en bouteille pour
Date de distillation
Date de mise en bouteille 2022
Pays Écosse
Région Lowlands
Cask Type STR Wine Barriques
Numéro de fût Bottlecode: L20102
Alcohol % 49.4%
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Stock 3

Avis professionnels

BOW (87.50)

Lindores Abbey Distillery is rapidly becoming one of the most favored distilleries in Scotland.
The Casks of series consists of 3 different matured variants of this malt whisky. The first came from bourbon casks and the new (2nd) whisky from this series has matured in STR casks.

For those who are not (yet) familiar with this phenomenon, STR stands for Shaved, Toasted, Re-charred. In other words, these, originally wine barrels, have been shaved on the inside, Toasted and re-Charred. This revives the flavors and color of the wood back to life to ensure the whisky gains a lot of color, aroma and character.

Color: Copper, dark gold
Smell: wood herbs, red fruit with strawberry cake and fresh herbs with a pinch of cocoa powder

Taste: first blackberries and gooseberries with menthol and mint. Then chocolate (ice cream) with honey and chocolate truffle with powdered sugar.

Finish: not too heavy with honing, spices and caramel.

Ajouté aux favoris.