Lindores Abbey Single Malt Scotch Whisky MCDXCIV 2022 46% NV

4.5 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 37,50 (hors TVA)
45,00 (TVA incluse)
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Distillerie The Lindores Distilling Co. Ltd.
Embouteilleur OB
Mise en bouteille pour
Date de distillation Not Specified
Date de mise en bouteille 2021
Pays Écosse
Région Lowlands
Cask Type Bourbon, Sherry and Wine Barriqué
Numéro de fût
Alcohol % 46%
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Stock 8

Avis professionnels

BOW (86)

Nose: citrus and orange combined with waxes, grass silage, dry chocolate, fudge and vanilla.
Taste: The flavors softly warm the throat. Spicy with nutmeg, cloves and some pepper. Creamy caramel and vanilla with darker fruit. The youthful personality provides freshness, but also enough character.
Finish: Medium, but deep into the throat, with both the fruit and drying oak, peppermint and cream.

Ajouté aux favoris.