LG Valbuxan Tinto Lexitimo 2021 Telmo Rodriguez

4.3 étoiles - 2 avis professionnels
€ 28,95 (hors TVA)
34,74 (TVA incluse)
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(max. 17)
Type Rouge
Marque Telmo Rodriguez
Millésime 2021
Pays Espagne
Région Valdeorras
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable 2024-2029
Stock 17

Avis professionnels

BOW (8.50)

Robert Parker (93)

The 2021 Lg. Valbuxan was produced with the field blend of multiple red and white varieties—Mencía, Merenzao, Sousón, Garnacha, Godello, Brancellao and others. It finished with 13% alcohol and a pH of 3.88, but the wine feels light and fresh, reflecting this "Atlantic" vintage. It fermented in stainless steel and oak vats and matured for 15 months in large oak foudres of 1,500 and 2,000 liters. It has the nose and the character common to the other reds, with notes of acid berries and wild herbs, high-pitched and aromatic. It has a juicy, medium-bodied palate with fine tannins and a mellow mouthfeel. It's the textbook expression of Mencía in the granite soils, very much the character of this zone of Valdeorras.

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