Campania Remensis Extra Brut Rose NV Bereche

4.2 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 74,95 (hors TVA)
89,94 (TVA incluse)
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Type Effervescent
Marque Bereche
Millésime NV
Pays France
Région Champagne
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Stock 1

Avis professionnels

Jancis Robinson (17.50)

60% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Meunier. Dosage 3 g/l. Disgorged June 2023.
Pale pink, no nose. It tastes surprisingly sweet for just three grams of dosage – a sort of candied-blood-orange sweetness. At first I was a bit taken aback, and then the wine proved me wrong. The fruit in this wine is sumptuously ripe, untrammelled, beautiful, wild strawberry fruit. And there's a whisper of nutmeg and allspice. Fragrant and persistent. A deep finish. It's a wine you want to press into. I would love this with paper-thin slices of ruby-rare roast beef or duck.

Ajouté aux favoris.