Brunello di Montalcino 2017 Casanova di Neri

4.3 étoiles - 3 avis professionnels
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Type Rouge
Marque Casanova di Neri
Millésime 2017
Pays Italie
Région Toscane
Raisin Sangiovese
Alcohol % 14.5%
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable 2024-2038
Stock 0

Avis professionnels

Robert Parker (94)

The Casanova di Neri 2017 Brunello di Montalcino delivers unexpected grace and a floral profile that is not common to find in this scorching-hot and dry vintage. In faithful Casanova di Neri fashion, the wine is bold and dark in appearance, and although the bouquet is dominated by purple and black fruits, there is a brief interlude of fresh garden rose or lilac. That little moment changes up the momentum of this wine in a most positive way by allowing for a harmony of low tones and high tones that are well matched here. The wine is robust, structured and velvety to the palate, but ultimately this expression is far more delicate than I would have ever expected for a 2017 Brunello. This is a nice surprise.

James Suckling (93)

This fleshy red is introduced by graphite, mint and wild herb aromas, with plum and cherry flavors as the main themes and earth, tobacco and underbrush notes in supporting roles. Balanced, ending in a savory aftertaste.

BOW (8.50)

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