Honivogl Gruner Veltliner Smaragd 2023 Hirtzberger

4.7 étoiles - 3 avis professionnels
€ 119,00 (hors TVA)
142,80 (TVA incluse)

Honivogl Gruner Veltliner Smaragd 2023 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/lautriche/wachau/hirtzberger/'>Hirtzberger</a>

hors TVA € 259,00
TVA incluse € 310,80
Volume Magnum
buy with
(max. 30)
Type Blanc
Marque Hirtzberger
Millésime 2023
Pays L'Autriche
Région Wachau
Raisin Gruner Veltliner
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable 2028-2055
Stock 30

Avis professionnels

Vinous (97)

The 2023 Grüner Veltliner Smaragd Honivogl was harvested partly in the loess-dominated Axpoint vineyard, with the majority coming from the rockier foot of the Singerriedel site. Alluring fruit on the nose combines juicy yellow apple, freshest green pear, ivy and a touch of yeast. The palate is more reticent, showing its yeasty mid-palate savory miso but dialing back the fruit. This is compact in body, generous in promise, with a tingling notion on the palate that unites white pepper and zestiness. The wine is mouth-filling long after the last sip, presenting an understated, complete roundness that is accomplished and elegant. (Bone-dry)

BOW (9)

James Suckling (98)

Imposing with effusive, exotic-fruit aromas, particularly fresh pineapple and mangosteens but also just a hint of durian. Wonderful floral delicacy too. What a fabulously silky texture, gliding over the full-bodied palate so gracefully. Also, this has excellent structure that gently builds in the very long, delicately stony, mineral finish. Drink or hold.

Ajouté aux favoris.