Cabernet Sauvignon Beckstoffer Missouri Hopper Vineyard 2017 Carte Blanche

4.7 étoiles - 1 avis professionnels
€ 133,00 (hors TVA)
159,60 (TVA incluse)
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Type Rouge
Marque Carte Blanche
Millésime 2017
Pays États Unis
Région Napa Valley
Raisin Cabernet Sauvignon
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable -2035
Stock 6

Avis professionnels

James Suckling (97)

Full-bodied with a deep, layered palate. Lots of dark fruit with blackberry and currant character and chewy, polished tannins. Very attractive and juicy now, but three or four years of bottle age will make it even better.

Ajouté aux favoris.