Messorio 2017 Le Macchiole

4.6 étoiles - 7 avis professionnels
€ 145,00 (hors TVA)
174,00 (TVA incluse)

Messorio OWC of 6 2017 <a href='/vin/italie/toscane/le-macchiole/'>Le Macchiole</a>

hors TVA € 859,00
TVA incluse € 1.030,80
Volume 0,75l

Messorio 2017 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/italie/toscane/le-macchiole/'>Le Macchiole</a>

hors TVA € 319,00
TVA incluse € 382,80
Volume Magnum

Messorio 2017 <span>(Double Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/italie/toscane/le-macchiole/'>Le Macchiole</a>

hors TVA € 649,00
TVA incluse € 778,80
Volume Double Magnum
buy with
(max. 23)
Type Rouge
Marque Le Macchiole
Millésime 2017
Pays Italie
Région Toscane
Raisin Merlot
Alcohol % 14.5%
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable 2023-2045
Stock 23
État Caisse en bois originale
Étiquette Parfait
État Boîte en carton originale
Étiquette Parfait
État Boîte en carton originale
Étiquette Parfait

Avis professionnels

Robert Parker (95)

Messorio is a wine that beautifully reflects the characteristics of the vintage and is a very accurate measuring stick of how any single vintage will eventually perform both in terms of near-term accessibility and long-term cellar aging. That said, the Le Macchiole 2017 Messorio plays its strongest cards in terms of mouthfeel and texture, revealing a robust structure and firmly integrated tannins that come from both the richly concentrated fruit and the careful use of oak. The wine shows a heavy center of gravity and a solid base of dark fruit that is enhanced by caramel, brown sugar, spice and creamy blackberry preserves. It does offer immediate appeal, but I'd wait a few more years to give this 2017 Messorio more time to flesh out and evolve.

James Suckling (97)

This wine shows beautiful clarity and class on the nose with roses, tar, currants, green and black olives and plums. It’s exceptionally fine-tannined with such polish and finesse. So sophisticated and intense for this vintage. Long, chewy finish, yet this is mouth-filling and caressing. Pure merlot.

BOW (9)

Vinous (95)

The 2017 Messorio (100% Merlot) is classy and polished to the core. It is also incredibly young and not at all forthcoming. Messorio is a wine that needs a surprising amount of time in bottle to truly shine. I expect that will be the case here as well. Today, the 2017 is all about fruit and density. Time in the cellar should allow for its aromatics to emerge more fully. Overall, though, this is a fairly restrained style, in keeping with the showing of 2017 Bolgheri reds more broadly. All the elements come together so gracefully in this striking wine. Production is down around 20%.

Decanter (95)

The harvest of Merlot for Messorio in 2017 commenced on 17 August and finished on 7 September, producing around 12,000 bottles. Since 2015 it has been fermented with selected yeasts in concrete vessels at a moderate 26°C then aged in 100% new French oak with a light and progressive toastiness. The result is a slightly herbal Merlot with precise sweet cassis and plum fruit and depth of star anise and leather. Dense on the palate with red fruit flavours, it imposes powerful yet ripe tannins with crisp acidity and balanced alcohol.

Falstaff (96)

Dense ruby. Very intense nose with rich notes of blackberry and blueberry, followed by smoke and cinnamon. Round and full in approach and course, opens with a lot of fine-meshed tannin, supple, in the final firm drive.

Jeb Dunnuck (96)

The 2017 Messorio is also forward with a floral perfume of red apple, candied plum, mocha, and roses. It is full-bodied but lifts weightlessly off the palate and delivers a stony mineral flourish. It also has freshness on the finish without having any harsh edges, with ripe but present tannic structure. It is drinking beautifully now or will drink well over the next two decades.

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