Unendlich Gruner Veltliner 2021 Pichler

4.7 étoiles - 3 avis professionnels
€ 219,00 (hors TVA)
262,80 (TVA incluse)

Unendlich Gruner Veltliner 2021 <span>(Magnum)</span> <a href='/vin/lautriche/wachau/pichler/'>Pichler</a>

hors TVA € 479,00
TVA incluse € 574,80
Volume Magnum
buy with
(max. 13)
Type Blanc
Marque Pichler
Millésime 2021
Pays Autriche
Région Wachau
Raisin Gruner Veltliner
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait
Consommable -2040
Stock 13
État Parfait
Étiquette Parfait

Avis professionnels

Winespectator (97)

There's just a hint of oak here, but it's beautifully interwoven into the ripe mirabelle fruit and sweet chamomile. Enormous concentration and power with toasty and dried-fruit flavors, but this is anything but a monster. Rather, the finish is bright and uplifting, in spite of 14% alcohol.

BOW (9)

Falstaff (99)

Light yellow-green, silver reflections. Fine tobacco nuances, a touch of white stone fruit, delicate hints of pears and meadow herbs, candied orange zest. Powerful, substantial, fine fruit sweetness, a touch of marzipan, citrus nuances on the finish, salty aftertaste, great length, enormous future, certain ageing potential.

Ajouté aux favoris.